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Reiki’s Triumph: Empowering a Safe and Miraculous Birth

On the 1st of October 2019, I received a call from a young lady residing in Pune, Maharashtra. She was 33 weeks pregnant and sought my assistance with Reiki due to her diagnosis of cholestasis of pregnancy, a condition that posed potential complications for her unborn baby beyond the 37th week of gestation.

The expectant mother was understandably concerned about her severe medical condition. Her gynecologist recommended induced labor in the 38th week of pregnancy, as failure to deliver at that point would have necessitated a cesarean delivery—a surgical procedure involving an incision through the abdomen and uterus.

Adding to her challenges, she also had two intramural fibroids, with the largest measuring approximately 6 cm on the anterior wall of the mid-uterine segment, and another fibroid measuring around 5 cm on the anterior wall of the lower uterine segment.

The fibroid located at the lower uterine segment presented a particular risk during a cesarean delivery, as it resided in the area where the incision would be made, potentially resulting in substantial blood loss and endangering the mother’s life.

Given her physical health conditions, she was emotionally and mentally distraught, overwhelmed by fear. In her search for support, she reached out to me for Reiki assistance in safeguarding her and her baby.

I commenced a healing course of 21 sessions for her, recognizing the profound impact of her mental and emotional state on her overall well-being. Understanding the gravity of her situation, I administered Reiki to her twice daily.

Upon completing the first course of healing sessions, she experienced a remarkable shift in her mental and emotional state, becoming stronger, more confident, and resilient.

The doctor informed her that the delivery would be planned between the 25th and 30th of October.

I continued the healing sessions for the second course, maintaining my commitment to her well-being.

On the 25th of October, during a routine check-up, the doctor advised her to be admitted to the hospital on the 30th of October. However, on the day of admission, the doctor discovered that the baby’s position was not favorable for a normal delivery. Nonetheless, the doctor decided to attempt an induced labor delivery to mitigate the risks associated with a cesarean delivery.

After an induced labor process that lasted throughout the night, it became evident that her cervix had not dilated to the necessary size for a successful delivery. Despite an additional three hours of waiting for further dilation, the doctor made the decision to proceed with a cesarean delivery.

The moment of fear arrived as the doctor made the incision for the surgery. To everyone’s surprise, the fibroid that had been expected to obstruct the incision was positioned to the side. Consequently, she safely delivered her baby boy, without jeopardizing her life. The doctor was astonished by this unforeseen turn of events, surpassing their expectations. Reiki had seemingly defied conventional understanding, mitigating the potential harm predetermined by her circumstances.

Following the delivery, the grateful mother reached out to express her gratitude to me and the healing energy of Reiki. She attributed her positive mindset and confidence during the intimidating moments of her cesarean surgery, rife with complications, to the influence of Reiki energy.

Reiki played a pivotal role in lessening the intensity and magnitude of the challenges predetermined by her destiny, ultimately safeguarding her life and ensuring the safe

It's The Bright One, It's The Right One, That's Supplement. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis.

Useful Postscript, Important Append

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